Sunday, 3 July 2011

Plastic Bottles

Yesterday you all read about the not so fun experience at the tip. There was an issue with the plastic bottles and they were expecting me to put them in with the household waste. I had an "altercation" with 3 of the workers about it and ended up bringing home the bottles!
As I drove home I could feel myself shaking with anger and frustration. Anyone who knows me knows that I very rarely get angry. But to be angry enough to shake shocked me.
I decided to turn my anger into something positive so after I finished posting yesterday's blog I went outside to create.

I'm not the most creative person in the world, but decided to put the bottles to good use. I remember a friend sharing a blog post about a water wall for children -
So with my pile of plastic bottles I set about creating something for them to play with.

All of the photos are here on my Flickr page - I couldn't find a suitable piece of wood or available wall or fence so I used a clothes airer and a paddling pool. The top row are bottles that the children can fill up with water and tip to empty the water into the pool. The lower set of bottles have holes pierced in them so that the children can watch the water spray out as they fill them up. Do you think my 4 year old and 2 year old will enjoy playing with this water airer??

Then I used 3 bottles to make skittles. My 2 year old loves playing skittles so he will have fun knocking them down.

Then as I was thinking up ideas I remembered something I had seen a long time ago about milk bottle planters. My strawberry plants haven't been doing too well where I planted them. I don't think they get enough sun under the tree and the woodlice seem to keep eating them! So, 6 strawberry plants were replanted into milk bottles and hung on the wall. I had another spare bottle left so I planted some mint in that one.

I hope you like the photos
created off the back of my rage!!

I'm not angry any more, just happy :-)

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