This morning I was left feeling slightly hungover, although I hadn't been drinking, very tired and struggled even to put one foot in front of the other to walk the children to school. I was dizzy and had the beginnings of a headache.
I don't normally post about my own issues on my Facebook page but today I felt as if I needed to grab as much support as I could, so I asked for advice about the foods that I could eat to boost my blood levels back up. I have been prone to anaemia in the past and had to give up being a blood donor after 14 pints, on advice from my doctor. So, I recognised the signs and decided that diet could be the answer.
Well, the support came and thanks to all of you for responding. A duvet day would have been ideal, Mama Pack, but not practical today. I have that planned for this evening, though. I was advised to have eggs and orange juice for lunch. Eggs because of the iron content and orange juice as the vitamin C aids the absorption of the iron. It was also suggested that I use some oil so I fried the eggs in a little olive oil. And to avoid coffee!
Then on to the smoothie. Thanks for the recipe, Emma!
Emma's sm
one frozen banana (ok, so mine isn't frozen!)
half a cucumber
five pitted dates
a couple of handfuls of spinach
half a mug of water
Blend to death and then drink.
It looked like green slime but it was sweet, crisp and fresh.
It was delicious!
I have been experiencing some menopausal symptoms over the last year or so. Mainly my body temperature seems to be a couple of degrees higher than normal. I tend to go out in a t-shirt and then look at other people wearing coats, usually I am the one in the thickest, warmest coat so I found that quite strange.
I haven't really had any mood swings or emotional problems, although my family may say otherwise!
Also, I am waiting for the results of a blood test to determine whether I am actually going through the menopause. Until they come back I am assuming that I am in the early stages.
As Jennifer recommended, I will have some steak for tea and some broccoli, spinach and cabbage.
Laura from Educate Business has put me in touch with Jacky from Your Exchange Network so I will be looking through her menopause website for more information.
Luckily, I have plenty of cloth menstrual pads and menstrual cups from my website, Feminine Wear so, I'm ok for supplies!
Finally. I treated myself to some flowers..... because I'm worth it :-)